2016 Iowa Deer Tag Auction for Charity

The Aiming For A Cure Foundation is built upon a foundation of committed people with a great passion to help children and their families that suffer from various forms of cancer.

2016 Iowa Deer Tag Auction for Charity

Hunt for a Great Cause!

IA Charity Deer Tag AuctionThe Aiming for a Cure Foundation is once again auctioning off a Statewide Iowa Deer tag.  The winning bidder of this tag will be helping support the Aiming for a Cure Foundation.  Proceeds from this tag will be split 50/50 with the Iowa DNR and Aiming for a Cure Foundation.  The Aiming for a Cure foundation is a non-profit organization.

The winning bidder can choose to keep or give away the tag; the hunter can choose either 2016 or 2017 to hunt (not both); the choice of seasons are – archery; shotgun 1 or 2; or late muzzle. There is no zone restriction.. so the license/tag are good statewide.  The hunter will be subject to a background check for violations/convictions, including fish & wildlife violations. Also keep in mind that the hunter cannot obtain more than 1-“buck tag” in a license year whether it be by drawing, auction or application.

For any information/questions about Aiming for a Cure or the Iowa Deer tag up for bid you may contact Highland Hunting via EMAIL.

To view the auction details or place a bid, please visit the Iowa Deer Tag live eBay Auction. Don’t wait around, though! The auction ends October 2, 2016!

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